The series of seminars on nature conservation in development cooperation has been held at the International Academy for Nature Conservation Isle of Vilm since 1999. It is jointly organized by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and KfW on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the International Academy for Nature Conservation, Isle of Vilm, of the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN). The first seminar “Biodiversity conservation for human wellbeing” presents an overview and update of the most relevant concepts. Based on a combination of practical examples, tools and trends in biodiversity conservation for human wellbeing and development, it provides a good platform for exchanging experiences and updating. The second seminar is devoted to the in-depth consideration of a specific topic identified as being of particular interest. Based on on-going discussions in inter- national biodiversity policy fora, the topic “Biodiversity-friendly business: How does it work?” was chosen for 2022.
The language of both seminars will be English.
Both seminars will take place at the International Academy for Nature Conservation Isle of Vilm (see https://www.bfn.de/en/international-academy-nature-conservation-isle-vilm), an island in the Baltic Sea next to Ruegen Island. The Isle of Vilm has been a protected area for many centuries.
Target group
The target group of the seminars are practitioners at the interface of development cooperation, biodiversity conservation and climate change (GIZ, KfW, BMZ, BMUV, consulting companies, foundations, NGOs, universities, partner organizations).
The number of participants is limited to 20 for the seminar “Biodiversity conservation for human well-being” and to 25 for the focus seminar. The framework conditions of the seminar will be constantly adapted to the current Covid-19 situation. This may lead to a review of the number of participants. For those applicants who are based abroad, please familiarize yourself with the Covid 19 entry regulations of Germany in order to assess whether you will be able to travel and attend https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/en/coronavirus/2317268)
Biodiversity conservation for human well-being
(3-8 July 2022)
• Raise awareness for the significance of biodiversity for the provision of ecosystem services – hence: for human wellbeing
• Convey new concepts, instruments and trends of conservation and development cooperation
• Analyze the opportunities provided by the CBD and its Strategic Plan as the policy framework
for German development cooperation in the area of biodiversity conservation
• Offer a forum for the exchange of experiences.
The following topics will be addressed through inputs, case studies, group work and discussions:
• Global trends with relevance for biodiversity conservation versus the relevance of biodiversity conservation for sustainable development
• New directions arising from the CBD
• Current trends in German development cooperation with regard to biodiversity conservation
• Conservation in the land- and seascape: concepts, current issues and developments
• Financing biodiversity conservation
• Balancing conservation with livelihoods interests: a critical review of approaches and
• Biodiversity-friendly transformation of food systems
• Equity in conservation (including gender transformative approaches in conservation and intergenerational justice)
Part of the seminar will be a related field trip.
1st seminar (3-8 July):
approx. 500 € per participant (including full board and lodging)
The final fee can only be set by mid May 2022. A late cancellation of your registration within 30 days prior to the start of the seminar will imply a fee of about 500 € in case no substitute can be found. There are no reductions possible. When applying, applicants should have clarified that they / who will bear the costs of attending (incl. travel costs).
Selection of participants will take a number of criteria into account (institutional and geographical balance, gender balance, relevance for work, relevant experience, participation in previous semi- nars, etc.).
Deadline for the application: 31 March 2022
For questions, please contact Martina Finger ([email protected])
Confirmations will be sent out by 30 April 2022