Partnership for Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction (PEDRR)

The PEDRR regional networks were formed in 2019 including – universities, NGOs, governmental agencies and international organizations. The networks’ principal aims are to promote networking and exchanges of expertise between partners working on Ecosystem-based approaches for disaster risk reduction and adaptation (Eco-DRR/ EbA) / Nature-based solutions, to undertake collaborative research, develop joint proposals or promote policies on the topic.

Where we work

Explore the various PEDRR regional network pages to find our partners in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, West-Asia and Northern Africa, Europe and Northern America, their areas of expertise, contact information as well as availability of courses related to Eco-DRR/EbA. If you would like additional information or if you would like to join one of the PEDRR regional networks, please write to:


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