In the last 20 years over 4 billion people have been affected worldwide by disasters. Water-related disasters such as flooding, drought and storm surges, account for 90% of disasters. Indeed, 2020 saw 370 weather-related and hydrological disasters and 28 non-weather-related natural hazard disasters.
Wise use and management of wetland ecosystems can reduce disaster risk from weather and hydrological hazards. Furthermore, fully functioning wetland ecosystems enhance local resilience against disasters by providing freshwater, important products and sustaining biodiversity and lives and livelihoods of local people. This use of ecosystem services, through the sustainable management, conservation and protection of wetland and other ecosystems, to reduce disaster risk and thus achieve resilient development, is called Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR).
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Ramsar Regional Center – East-Asia (RRC-EA) and Wetlands International (WI) (henceforth referred as ‘consortium’) have collaborated to develop a practitioner’s guidebook on Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction for RAMSAR Wetland Site Managers. The guidebook targeted for Ramsar site managers, aims to provide practical guidance on understanding systemic and non-systemic disaster risks to their wetlands and how integrating Eco-DRR into wetland management planning can support conservation and wise-use goals.
The consortium is inviting innovative and practical case-studies on ‘Wetlands Management and Disaster Risk Reduction, as proof of concepts for the guidebook. The case should highlight how risk informed wetland management planning can contribute to wetland conservation and securing its wise-use. These case studies will be used for educational, training, and dissemination purposes. Authors of selected case studies will be invited to participate in virtual/physical trainings organised by the consortium in 2022. The case studies could explore the following topics related to Eco-DRR:
- Climate and disaster risk analysis for wetlands management
- Wise-use of wetlands resources as Eco-DRR
- Impact of climate change and extreme events on wetland ecosystem functions and services
- Role of gender in wetland management
- Cost-benefit analysis of Eco-DRR interventions;
- Use of remote sensing and GIS techniques for catchment-scale Eco-DRR;
- Monitoring and evaluation of Eco-DRR
Submissions must be in English with a limit of 800-1000 words. The authors are requested to share relevant satellite-based maps, figures, schematic diagrams, illustrations or photos. The case studies can be submitted to, hosted by the consortium, latest by January 15, 2022.
A suggestive template follows:
Title Abstract
Eco-DRR intervention(s) and process
Lessons learned