by Solomon Asamoah, Henry Mensah, Eric Kwame Simpeh, Eric Oduro-Ofori, Sandra Serwaa Boateng, Sarah Boateng, Listowel Koda Frimpong, Priscilla Okyere
Green Technologies and Sustainability
by Ponnambalam Rameshwaran, James Blake, Emily Trill, John Robotham, James Bishop, Gareth Old, Alex O’Brien and Pete Scarlett
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by Sayanti Segupta, Sajanika Sivanu, Cecilia Costella et al.
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by International Journal of Disaster Risk Science
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by UNEP, Wetland International, Ramsar Secretariat, Ramsar Regional Center-East Asia
by UNEP Eco-DRR team
by UNEP Eco-DRR team
by UNEP, Wetland International, Ramsar Secretariat, Ramsar Regional Center -East Asia
by United Nations Environment Programme
by Bisaro, A.; Meyer, K.
by Erftemeijer, P; de Boer, M.; Hilarides, L
by Pascual, U.; Balvanera, P.; Christie, M.; Baptiste, B.; González-Jiménez, D.; Anderson, C.B. ; Athayde, S.; Chaplin-Kramer, R. ;Jacobs, S.; Kelemen, E. ; Kumar, R.; Lazos, E.; Martin, A.; Mwampamba, T.H.; Nakangu, B.; O\'Farrell, P.; Raymond, C.M.; Subramanian, S.M.; Termansen, M. ; Van Noordwijk, M.; Vatn A.
by Bjerre, A. ; Tyrrell, T. ; Hertz, A. ; Min, A. ; Goodwin, E.
by Wetlands Inetrnational
by Boyland, M., Tuhkanen, H., Green, J. and Barquet, K
by Wetlands International
by Walz, Y.; Nick, F.; Higuera Roa, O.; Nehren, U.; Sebesvari, Z.
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by Le Gouvello,R.; Brugere,C.; Simard , F.
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Global Environmental Change
by James McBreen
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by Valderrábano, Marcos, Nelson, Cara, Nicholson, Emily, Etter, Andrés, Carwardine, Josie, Hallett, James G., McBreen, James, Botts, Emily
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by Nick Scott,Shaun Fitzgerald ,Srinivasan Keshav
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Nature-Based Solutions
by International Union for Conservation of Nature? UN Environment Programme
by Sarah Opitz-Stapleton, Laura Cramer, Fatima Kaba
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One Earth
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by : Sara Valero, Juan Jose Miranda and Maja Murisic
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by N.Van Cauwenbergh, P.A.Dourojeanni, P.van der Zaagai,M.Brugnachcg, K.Dartee, R.Giordano, E.Lopez-Gunn
Environmental Science & Policy
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by MarieHrabanski, Jean FrançoisLe Coq
Environmental Science & Policy
by NickKirsop-Taylor, DuncanRussel
Environmental Science & Policy
by Save the Children International
by Marta Bonato, Beatrice Sambo, Anna Sperotto, James H. Lambert
Risk Analysis
by David Lallemant, Perrine Hamel, Mariano Balbi, Tian Ning Lim, Rafael Schmitt, and Shelly Win
One Earth
by Johan Rockströma, Tim Beringera, David Holec , Bronson Griscomc, Michael B. Masciac, Carl Folkeb, and Felix Creutzig
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
by Julia Calderón Cendejas, Lucía Madrid Ramírez, Jorge Ramírez Zierold, Julio Díaz Valenzuela, Martín Merino Ibarra , Santiago Morató Sánchez de Tagle , Alejandro Chino Téllez
by Center for Coastal Resources Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
by Francesco Di Grazia, Bruna Gumiero, Luisa Galgani, Elena Troiani, Michele Ferri and Steven A. Loiselle
by Hai-Ying Liu ,Marion Jay and Xianwen Chen
by Bridges, Todd S. King, Jeffrey K. Simm, Jonathan D. Beck, Michael W. Collins, Georganna. Lodder, Quirijn. Mohan, Ram K.
International Guidelines on Natural and Nature-Based Features for Flood Risk Management
by United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
by Marcel Cardinali, Adina Dumitru Sofie Vandewoestijne et al.
by Danijela Milanovic, Borislava Blagojevic, Ljiljana Vasilevska
International Symposium Water Resources Management: New perspectives and innovative practices
by Niki Frantzeskaki, Timon McPhearson
by Adina Dumitru, Niki Frantzeskaki, Marcus Collier
Environmental Science & Policy
by UNDRR Asia-Pacific
by Mary Ruckelshaus, Borja G.Reguero, Katie Arkema, Roberto Guerrero Compean, Khafi Weekes, Allison Bailey, Jessica Silver
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Journal of Environmental Engineering
by O'Reilly, Andrew M.; Wanielista, Martin P.; Chang, Ni-Bin; Xuan, Zhemin; Harris, Willie G.
Science of the Total Environment
by O'Farrell, P.J.; Anderson, P.M.L.; Le Maitre, D.C.; Holmes, P.M.
Ecology and Society
by Depietri, Yaella; Welle, Torsten; Renaud, Fabrice G.
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
by Chen, Y.; Day, S.D.; Wick, A.F.; McGuire, K.J.
Science of the Total Environment
by Chan, Joana; DuBois, Bryce; Tidball, Keith G.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
by Beecham, S.; Razzaghmanesh, M.
Water research
by Arias, M.E.; Brown, M.T.; Sansalone, J.J.
Journal of Environmental Engineering
by Peijun Shi, Yi Yuan, Weiping Guo
International Journal of Water Resources Development
by MacIvor, J.S.; Ranalli, M.A.; Lundholm, J.T.
Annals of Botany
by Kuoppamaki, Kirsi; Hagner, Marleena; Lehvavirta, Susanna; Setala, Heikki
Ecological Engineering
by Fassman, Elizabeth; Simcock, Robyn
Journal of Environmental Engineering
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Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
by Alfredo, Katherine; Montalto, Franco; Goldstein, Alisha
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
by Uzomah, Vincent; Scholz, Miklas; Almuktar, Suhad
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
by Ossola, Alessandro; Hahs, Amy Kristin; Livesley, Stephen John
Journal of Environmental Management
by Montalto, Franco A.; Bartrand, Timothy A.; Waldman, Alexander M.; Travaline, Katharine A.; Loomis, Charles H.; McAfee, Chariss; Geldi, Juliet M.; Riggall, Gavin J.; Boles, Laureen M.
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering
by Mguni, P.; Herslund, L.; Jensen, M. B.
Water Policy
by Merriman, Laura S.; Hunt, William F.
Journal of Environmental Monitoring
by McPhearson, Timon; Hamstead, Zoe A.; Kremer, Peleg
by Loperfido, J.V.; Noe, G.B.; Jarnagin, S.T.; Hogan, D.M.
Journal of Hydrology
by Livesley, S. J.; McPherson, G. M.; Calfapietra, C.
Journal of Environmental Quality
by Liu, Wen; Chen, Weiping; Peng, Chi
Ecological Modelling
by Liu, Wen; Chen, Weiping; Peng, Chi
Ecological Modelling
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Journal of Infrastructure Systems
by Lewellyn, Conor; Lyons, Cara E.; Traver, Robert G.; Wadzuk, Bridget M.
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
by Jones, Diane; Jha, Manoj K.
Environmental Science and Sustainability
by Janauer, Georg A.
Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology
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Ecological Modelling
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Procedia Engineering
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by Casal-Campos, Arturo; Fu, Guangtao; Butler, David; Moore, Andrew
Environmental Science & Technology
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Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
by Cameron, Ross W. F.; Blanusa, Tijana; Taylor, Jane E.; Salisbury, Andrew; Halstead, Andrew J.; Henricot, Beatrice; Thompson, Ken
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
by Ackerman, Kubi; Conard, Michael; Culligan, Patricia; Plunz, Richard; Sutto, Maria-Paola; Whittinghill, Leigh
The Economic and social review
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Landscape and Urban Planning
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Landscape and Urban Planning
by Volder, Astrid; Dvorak, Bruce
Sustainable Cities and Society
by Sjoman, Johanna Deak; Gill, Susannah E.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
by Shuster, William D.; Garmestani, Ahjond S.
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
by Scholz, Miklas; Uzomah, Vincent C.; Almuktar, Suhad A. A. A. N.; Radet-Taligot, Julie
by Scholz, Miklas; Uzomah, Vincent C.
Science of the Total Environment
by Cook-Patton, Susan C.; Bauerle, Taryn L.
Journal of Environmental Management
by Yang, Bo; Li, Shujuan
by Verbeeck, Klaartje; Van Rompuy, Robrecht; Hermy, Martin; Van Orshoven, Jos
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
by Yao, L.; Chen, L.; Wei, W.; Sun, R.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
by Yang, Bo; Li, Ming-Han; Huang, Chang-Shan
Landscape Research
by Yang, B.; Li, M.-H.
Ecological Engineering
by Yang, B.; Li, M.-H.
Landscape and Urban Planning
by Winston, R.J.; Hunt, W.F.; Osmond, D.L.; Lord, W.G.; Woodward, M.D.
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
by Wadzuk, Bridget M.; Rea, Matthew; Woodruff, Gregg; Flynn, Kelly; Traver, Robert G.
Journal of the American Water Resources Association
by Young, Robert; Zanders, Julie; Lieberknecht, Katherine; Fassman-Beck, Elizabeth
Journal of Hydrology
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Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
by Iakovoglou, V.; Zaimes, G.N.; Gounaridis, D.
International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development
by Houdeshel, C. Dasch; Hultine, Kevin R.; Johnson, Nancy Collins; Porneroy, Christine A.
Landscape and Urban Planning
by Vlotman, W.F.; Wong, T.; Schultz, B.
Irrigation and Drainage
by Crowe, A.S.; Rochfort, Q.; Exall, K.; Marsalek, J.
International Journal of Water
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Environmental Science & Policy
by Yang, Bo; Li, Ming-Han; Li, Shujuan
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
by Wright, G. B.; Arthur, S.; Bowles, G.; Bastien, N.; Unwin, D.
Water and Environment Journal
by Vollmer, Derek; Pribadi, Didit Okta; Remondi, Federica; Rustiadi, Ernan; Gret-Regamey, Adrienne
Sustainable Cities and Society
by Vogel, Jason R.; Moore, Trisha L.; Coffman, Reid R.; Rodie, Steven N.; Hutchinson, Stacy L.; McDonough, Kelsey R.; McLemore, Alex J.; McMaine, John T.
Water Environment Research
by Vineyard, D., Ingwersen, W.W., Hawkins, T.R., Xue, X., Demeke, B. and Shuster, W.
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association
by Tratalos, J., Fuller, R.A., Warren, P.H., Davies, R.G. and Gaston, K.J.
Landscape and urban planning
by Tanji, K.
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment
by Staley, D.C.
International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies
by Sendo, T., Kanechi, M., Uno, Y. and Inagaki, N.
Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
by Sanon, S., Hein, T., Douven, W. and Winkler, P.
Journal of environmental management
by Risti?, R., Radi?, B., Miljanovi?, V., Trivan, G., Ljuji?, M., Leti?, L. and Savi?, R.
by Porse, E.
Water science and technology
by Pfeil-McCullough, E., Bain, D.J., Bergman, J. and Crumrine, D.
Science of the Total Environment
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Natural Hazards
by Miles, B. and Band, L.E.
Hydrological Processes
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Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions
by Rawat, P.K., Tiwari, P.C. and Pant, C.C
Natural hazards
by Wahren, A., Schwärzel, K. and Feger, K.H.
Journal of flood risk management
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Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
by Van Stokkom, H.T., Smits, A.J. and Leuven, R.S.
Water international
by Sayers, P., Galloway, G., Penning-Rowsell, E., Yuanyuan, L., Fuxin, S., Yiwei, C., Kang, W., Le Quesne, T., Wang, L. and Guan, Y.
International journal of River Basin Management
by Rouquette, J.R., Posthumus, H., Morris, J., Hess, T.M., Dawson, Q.L. and Gowing, D.J.G.
Hydrological science journal
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Landscape and Urban Planning
by Pithart, D., Žaloudík, J., Dostál, T., Valentová, J., Valenta, P., Weyskrabová, J. and Dušek, J.
WIT Transaction on Ecology and the Environment
by Nicholson, A.R., Wilkinson, M.E., O'Donnell, G.M. and Quinn, P.F.
by Moore, T.L. and Hunt, W.F.
Water research
by McLean, L., Beevers, L., Pender, G., Haynes, H. and Wilkinson, M
35th IAHR World Congress, Chengdu, China.
by Leauthaud, C., Duvail, S., Hamerlynck, O., Paul, J.L., Cochet, H., Nyunja, J., Albergel, J. and Grünberger, O
Global environmental change
by Jessop, J., Spyreas, G., Pociask, G.E., Benson, T.J., Ward, M.P., Kent, A.D. and Matthews, J.W.
Biological Conservation
by Jackson, S., Finn, M. and Featherston, P.
Human Ecology
by Hubble, T.C.T., Docker, B.B. and Rutherfurd, I.D.
Ecological Engineering
by Guida, R.J., Swanson, T.L., Remo, J.W. and Kiss, T.
Journal of Hydrology
by Fu, B., Wang, Y.K., Xu, P. and Yan, K.
Ecological Engineering
by Freeman, R.E. and Ray, R.O.
Landscape and Urban Planning
by Carvalho-Santos, C., Honrado, J.P. and Hein, L.
Ecological Complexity
by Biron, P.M., Buffin-Bélanger, T., Larocque, M., Choné, G., Cloutier, C.A., Ouellet, M.A., Demers, S., Olsen, T., Desjarlais, C. and Eyquem, J.
Environmental management
by Bathurst, J.C., Birkinshaw, S.J., Cisneros, F., Fallas, J., Iroumé, A., Iturraspe, R., Novillo, M.G., Urciuolo, A., Alvarado, A., Coello, C. and Huber, A.
Journal of Hydrology
by Halofsky, J.E., Donato, D.C., Hibbs, D.E., Campbell, J.L., Cannon, M.D., Fontaine, J.B., Thompson, J.R., Anthony, R.G., Bormann, B.T., Kayes, L.J. and Law, B.E
by Gustafson, E.J., Zollner, P.A., Sturtevant, B.R., He, H.S. and Mladenoff, D.J
Landscape Ecology
by Grayzeck-Souter, S.A., Nelson, K.C., Brummel, R.F., Jakes, P. and Williams, D.R
International journal of wildland fire
by Giljohann, K.M., McCarthy, M.A., Kelly, L.T. and Regan, T.J.
Ecological applications
by Ferreira, L., Constantino, M.F., Borges, J.G. and Garcia-Gonzalo, J.
Forest Science
by Lele, S.
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
by Lawrence, D., Vester, H.F., Pérez?Salicrup, D., Eastman, J.R., Turner, B.L. and Geoghegan, J
Ecosystems and land use change
by Hancock, M.H. and Legg, C.J.
Plant Ecology & Diversity
by Canavesi, V. and Alvalá, R.C.D.S.
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
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Ecological appliccations
by Takeuchi, K., Elmqvist, T., Hatakeyama, M., Kauffman, J., Turner, N. and Zhou, D.
Sustainability Science
by Sidle, R.C., Benson, W.H., Carriger, J.F. and Kamai, T.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
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Natural Hazards
by McAlpine, K.G. and Wotton, D.M.
Science for conservation
by Gunderson, L.
Ecology and Society
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Lanscape and Urban Planning
by Braun, R. ; Amorim, A.
Scottish Geographical Journal
by Johns, G., Lee, D.J., Leeworthy, V.B., Boyer, J. and Nuttle, W.
Ecological Indicators
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Coastal Journal
by Ming, J., Xian-Guo, L., Lin-Shu, X., Li-juan, C. and Shouzheng, T.
Ecological Economics
by Kousky, C., Olmstead, S.M., Walls, M.A. and Macauley, M.
Environmental Science & Technology
by Kousky, C. and Walls, M.
Ecological Economics
by Broekx, S., Smets, S., Liekens, I., Bulckaen, D. and De Nocker, L.
Natural hazards
by Pattanayak, S. K
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
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Fores Policy and Economics
by Londono Cadavid, Catalina, and Amy W. Ando
Water Resource Research
by Yanagisawa, H.; Koshimura, S.; Miyagi, T.; Imamura, F.
Journal of Geophysical Research
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Research Gate
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Journal of Arid Environments
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by Hop, M. E. C. M.; Hiemstra, J. A.
II International Symposium on Woody Ornamentals of the Temperate Zone
by Hogan, D.M.; Walbridge, M.R.
Journal of environmental quality
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International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment
by Hager, G.W., Belt, K.T., Stack, W., Burgess, K., Grove, J.M., Caplan, B., Hardcastle, M., Shelley, D., Pickett, S.T. and Groffman, P.M.
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by Getter, K.L.; Rowe, D.B.
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Energy Procedia
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Integrated environmental assessment and management
by Ek?i, M.
Environment Protection Engineering
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Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
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Journal of Environmental Sciences
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Environmental Research Letters
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by Booth, D.B.; Hartley, D.; Jackson, R.
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 3
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Ecology and Society
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