Key Findings:• Predominant catchment treatments includedo Centralized (gray infrastructure) BMPsWith little tree canopy cover (~15% UTC)With greater tree canopy cover (~57% UTC)o Distributed (GSI) BMPs (~21% UTC)o Non-urbanized, forested landscape (~85% tree canopy cover)• Resultso Compared with centralized treatments, GSI provided Slightly less stormwater runoff (6.5%) Significantly greater base flow (36%) and total water runoff (20%)o GSI BMPs provided better hydrologic control for storms <27mmo Centralized BMPs enabled better hydrologic control for storms >27mmo Watersheds with greater tree cover (57% and 85%) had about 33% lower runoff volumes for stormflow, baseflow, and total flow• Conclusionso GSI BMPs compared with centralized BMPs Had increased baseflow Reduced maximum volume discharge (during smaller rain events) Reduced stream response (during smaller rain events) More closely resembles hydrologic response of forested catchmento Increased tree canopy cover Reduced total stormwater runoff volume Decreased stream response during rain eventso Important considerations for urban stream hydrology Land cover is an effective stormwater BMP• Reduced impervious cover• Increased tree canopy cover Implement distributed (GSI) BMPs with land cover considerationo Implications of GSI BMPs (engineered and natural) Less intense discharge Reduced erosion and particulate transport Improved stream hydrology Increased nutrient retention and removal
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