PEDRR in collaboration with UNEP and UNDRR on 19 May organised a Risk Reduction Hub side event “Working with Nature for Resilience”, in connection with the high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the Midterm Review (HLM MTR SF) of the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. The event was opened by Jamil Ahmad, Director at UNEP New York Office and attended by, amongst others, H.E. Minister Ivete Maibaze, Minister of Land and Environment, Republic of Mozambique, Mr. Johann Saathoff, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community, The Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Shri Kamal Kishore, Member Secretary, National Disaster Management Authority, India, Trevor Bhupsingh, Assistant Deputy Minister, Emergency Management and Programs Branch and Mr. David Applegate, Director, United States Geological Survey as well as the UN Secretary General Special Representative for Disaster Risk Reduction, Ms. Mami Mizutori, of UNDRR.
At the event, Member States highlighted ongoing efforts to scale up Nature-based Solutions in multiple sectors, emphasising how these support climate change adaptation and biodiversity conservation in addition to reducing disaster risk. Lack of evidence on the long-term costs and benefits of Nature-based Solutions were highlighted as challenges in further scaling up and financing such initiatives. Stakeholders from science, youth, private and public sectors highlighted how more still needs to be done to make Nature an inherent element of policy and governance, and that global policies do not necessarily translate into national budgets and implementation. Speakers agreed that localisation, community and youth involvement and use of indigenous knowledge are key to advancing the Nature agenda and build resilience for all.