Alexandros Makarigakis - Chief of Unit Cross-Cutting Thematic Unit on Disaster Risk Reduction

Alexandros Makarigakis is the Chief of the Cross Cutting Thematic Unit for Disaster Risk Reduction at UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in Paris. He manages and coordinates international activities related to the scientific, engineering and educational aspects of natural hazards leading to disaster studies and prevention including earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, landslides and droughts. Within UNESCO Mr. Makarigakis is the focal point for the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction and coordinates input to this Strategy from various Programmes Sectors including Education, Culture, Social and Human Sciences.

Contact: [email protected]


He is involved in several United Nations and international projects and mechanisms concerning disaster risk reduction. Total of more than 18 years of progressively responsible experience in the field of environmental sciences, 12 of which on the international platform on issues of development in developing and developed countries with focus on natural resources management (water and environment) and disaster risk reduction. Ten years working at an International Organization (UNESCO), eight years of experience in the field of bioremediation of hazardous chemicals and three years in municipal water and wastewater purification. Experience includes representing UNESCO’s Natural Science sector at Windhoek Cluster Office, at Addis Ababa Liaison Office, university lecturing, the design and execution of innovative bench-scale treatment systems and mathematical model developments for further scale-up purposes as well as in-situ testing for verification.


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