The West Asia / MENA (Middle East & North Africa) PEDRR regional network was formed in 2019 including – universities, NGOs, governmental agencies and international organizations. The network principal aims are to promote networking and exchanges of expertise between Eco-DRR academic institutions, NGOs, UN agencies and other organizations which are teaching courses on Eco-DRR/EbA, to undertake research, manage projects or promote policies on the topic.
Explore the interactive map below to find our partners in West-Asia, their areas of expertise, contact information as well as availability of courses related to Nature-based solutions and Ecosystem-based approaches for disaster risk reduction.
Contact the PEDRR West Asia / MENA focal point for additional information or if you would like to join the network and be informed about possible areas for collaboration. See below for upcoming events and news in West Asia / MENA!
Focal point name | Focus | Contact | Organization | Postal address/website | Additional information |
Dalel Ouerchefani | Policy and coordination | [email protected] | United Nations Environment Programme, Regional Office for West Asia | | |
Marwa Khalifa | Teaching and research | [email protected] | Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering | |