Africa’s landscapes vary from place to place, just as the unique diversity of the people & nature that thrives all across. Equally, Africa’s growing youthful population is taking up leadership when it comes to Nature-based solutions. Young people (as well as older groups, organizations and communities) are growing indigenous trees, protecting forests from logging, implementing on agroforestry, innovating with technologies to protect natural spaces, e.g, vlogging, blogging & creating Apps towards addressing the climate and environment issues of today .
But it’s not just that: it is not just youth acting alone, there are exemplary elders & community groups, indigenous communities that are doing so much on NBS-protection, restoration initiatives, thus proving that NBS would be irrelevant without people. An intergenerational approach to NBS implementation is important in preserving, protecting, restoring & sustainably managing nature across Africa. How can we learn from each other? How can the young & the old complement efforts towards protecting Africa’s green paradises? Is there a common ground to bring all these aspects and groups together? We think there is, and it is the very reason bringing this session to be.
This Webinar seeks to interrogate the role of Intergenerational approaches towards on-ground NBS initiatives while raising questions around the same: the science (researchers, institutions), the leadership (policy), and the projects (youth, communities). The session will include presentations from a youth implementor, an older grassroots/ community leader, and a researcher or policy maker. Speakers will thereafter have a chance to engage participants on a Q & A session, and a wrap up.