Globally, disasters are increasing and leading to ever increasing human tragedy and economic costs. Significant progress towards disaster reduction will require enhancing capacities and reducing vulnerabilities, which includes arresting environmental degradation and improving management of ecosystems and natural resources.
Environmental sustainability and disaster resilience must be built into local and national development to protect lives and assets, sustain livelihoods and manage climate change impacts. In order to support vulnerable countries in addressing these challenges, the Partnership for Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction (PEDRR) has designed a Training Course on Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction for Sustainable Development aimed at strengthening resilience at national and local levels. This training course draws from expertise within PEDRR and is based on the existing training and educational materials developed over the years by individual PEDRR partners.
Policymakers, programme managers and practitioners from government, working at national and sub-national levels in various sectors: environmental/natural resource management, environmental protection/ regulation, disaster management, urban planning, land-use planning, public finance, National Platforms for DRR, Hyogo Framework for Action focal points, and National Adaptation Plan of Action focal points.
PEDRR also welcomes collaboration with regional and national training institutions in order to further disseminate and incorporate elements of the Training Course into existing training programmes on disaster management, climate change or sustainable development.
Participants work together in developing an “Agenda for Action” to integrate ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction into development planning at national and/or sub-national levels. The Agenda for Action is a reflection of what participants have decided to prioritize and follow up on collectively after the training. It can describe a “Road Map” with key milestones and timelines, or it can simply identify 2-3 priority actions which could be implemented in the short to medium term by the participants themselves, based on their current mandates, roles and responsibilities.
The Training Course makes use of interactive learning methods and promotes participatory exercises. The Training utilizes videos, case study analyses, group work exercises, systems learning-oriented “games”, group presentations, and guest lectures. The Course may also be prepared as a half-day session geared specifically for policymakers.