Outcome of the 6th Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction: Ecosystems prominently featured
PEDRR Shout Outs
The 6th session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR) took place last week in Geneva, Switzerland, organized by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR).
Key outcomes include:
- Ecosystem-based approaches - such as Green and Blue Infrastructure as an integral component of disaster risk reduction - are prominently featured in the 2019 Global Assessment Report for Disaster Risk Reduction.
- The Chair’s Summary, which is the main outcome document of the GPDRR 2019 highlights the following points:
- Point 25: Disaster resilient infrastructure is key to achieve the vision of risk-informed development. There is a strong need to capitalize on the co-benefits of ecosystem-based approaches and leverage the complementarity across blue, green and grey infrastructure.
- Point 26. Nature- and ecosystem-based approaches should be promoted to achieve the objectives of resilience dividend and integrated in disaster risk reduction strategies at all levels. The stakeholders committed to engage with the nature-based solutions and resilience and adaptation track of the Climate Action Summit.
- Point 32: The interplay between disasters, climate change, environmental degradation, and fragility should be recognized, including in the context of water-related risk.
See the following Press Releases for more information
Partnership for Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction (PEDRR) at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
PEDRR members were actively present at the GPDRR:
Innovation Platform with a booth presenting opportunity mapping, a new geo-spatial tool determining opportunities for ecosystem-based solutions to reduce disaster risk. Along with the official launch of opportunity mapping by UN Environment and UNEP-GRID, several other PEDRR Partners organizations showcased their work.
Two well attended high-level working sessions on:
- The Role of Green, Blue and Gray Infrastructure in Reducing Disaster Risk
- Integrating Risk Management Ecosystems and Water-Related Risks
UN Environment and Partners for Resilience launch new project on community resilience and Eco-DRR
In parallel with the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, UN Environment and Partners for Resilience officially launched a new joint project promoting community resilience through ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR). The project will contribute towards the achievement of the 7 global targets of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.
From Mangroves to Tin Roofs: Fiji Uses Built and Natural Infrastructure for Climate Adaptation
In Taiperia Village and other vulnerable settlements, coastal populations lack capacity to adapt to rapidly increasing climate change-induced flooding. Fiji's town councils, responsible for urban planning, are helping vulnerable settlements to strengthen the combined use of green and grey infrastructure, to improve community resilience. The World Resources Institute recently facilitated a training for urban planners in Fiji to spark discussion about natural infrastructure options and how natural and built options can work together. Read the story here
Coastal recovery: Bringing a damaged wetland back to life
An ambitious wetlands restoration project is underway on Delaware Bay, where scientists are using innovative methods to revive a badly damaged salt marsh. The goal of this work is to reverse the damage created by an ill-conceived project in the 1980s that aimed to convert the salt marsh into a largely freshwater impoundment system, in part to attract more birds for hunters and birdwatchers. The project could be a model for other places seeking to make coastal wetlands more resilient to rising seas and worsening storms. Read the article here
Featured Video
Carbon credits for Kenyan mangroves
A project supported by the International Coral Reef Initiative and UN Environment, with funding from the Governments of France and the Principality of Monaco, is aiming to restore and conserve mangrove forest cover in Kenya. Mangroves provide key ecosystem services to local populations and enhance local biodiversity, provide shoreline stabilization, natural protection from ocean waves and store carbon from the atmosphere. The project aims to enhance such carbon storing quality through the establishment of a carbon trade financing mechanism, ultimately generating revenue and enhancing community development and resilience to climate change.
Featured Publication
Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2019
The fifth edition of the Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR) was launched by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction on 15 May, at the 6th Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction. The report offers an update on progress made in implementing the outcome, goal, targets and priorities of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and disaster-related Sustainable Development Goals. The GAR also in part highlights that human-induced ecosystem loss has a major effect on risk reduction and the mitigation of hazards. But ecosystems are also viewed as a solution: their restoration and preservationare key to mitigating and adapting to climate change as well as providing protection from intensifying natural hazards. The report offers a number of case studies reflecting progress in the integration of ecosystem-based solutions in some national disaster risk reduction strategies.
Assessing the co-benefits of green-blue-grey infrastructure for sustainable urban flood risk management
Green-blue infrastructures in urban spaces offer several co-benefits besides flood risk reduction, such as water savings, energy savings due to less cooling usage, air quality improvement and carbon sequestration. Traditionally, these co-benefits were not included in decision making processes for flood risk management. This study published in the Journal of Environmental Management presents a method to include the monetary analysis of these co-benefits into a cost-benefits analysis of flood risk mitigation measures.
Science and Data Lead
Organization: ADPC
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Closing date: 24 May 2019
See here
Water and Wetlands Programme Advisor
Organization: IUCN
Location: Vientiane, Lao PDR
Closing date: 26 May 2019
See here
Director of Coral Triangle Partnership
Organization: The Nature Conservancy
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Closing date: 30 May 2019
See here
Economics Associate, Natural Infrastructure Initiative
Organization: World Resources Institute
Location: Washington D.C., USA
Closing date: 31 May 2019
See here
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